Office for Development of Agricultural Activities of Rural and Nomadic Women
According to the 2011 census, rural and nomadic women with a population of more than 10 million people are considered as the main inhabitants of the villages as a pillar of the productive population of the agricultural sector.

Office for Development of Agricultural Activities of Rural and Nomadic Women of the Ministry of Jihad Agriculture in 1993 in line with policies of development of socio-economic capacities, expansion of educational-extension activities and job opportunities was established. The regulation of rural and agricultural development programs with development approach the capabilities of rural and nomadic women can have a significant impact on the process of poverty alleviation, food security of rural households, job creation and sustainability of life in rural areas of the country.
Expanding the participation of rural and nomadic women in sustainable development, empowering and developing social capacities, institutionalizing and supporting the establishment of socio-economic organizations for rural and nomadic women, promoting entrepreneurship and improving sustainable business, and finally developing national cooperation and International in the field of rural women for greater interaction with the outside world in the field of socio-economic support. At the same time, women heads of households and rural and nomadic heads of households are often given priority in policy-making and benefiting from development programs.

In fact, today we see the presence of rural women in various fields, which indicates the dynamism in this sector and this group. But in most cases, they still suffer from a lack of processing, packaging and storage facilities in rural areas, which limits their access to proper marketing for their products.
Objectives of the Office for the Development of Agricultural Activities for Rural and Nomadic Women:
1 Promoting the position of rural and nomadic women in the economic and social development programs of the country.
2 Increasing the access of rural and nomadic women to the resources of "water, land, capital, facilities, credits, educational, extension and research services".
3 Improving the level of knowledge, insight and skills of rural and nomadic women and girls.
4 Raising awareness, creating a spirit of self-confidence and strengthening the participatory spirit of rural and nomadic women and girls.
5 Increasing the food safety and health coefficient of rural and nomadic households.

Office Policies:
- Capacity building and social development.
- Institutionalization and development of local micro-funds.
- Sustainable entrepreneurship and business development.