The Haraz Extension and Technology Development Center
The Haraz Extension and Technology Development Center is a governmental center. It is going to absorb, transfer and fit techniques of land consolidation, agricultural machinery, mechanization, rice mechanization, management of irrigation and drainage, rice production and milling, winter crops, reservoir and management of water in paddy fields.

Then this knowledge will be discussed, developed and transferred to the agricultural human resources including managers and farmers through practical training, establishment of pilot farms, visiting tour, conduction of workshops, hold of seminars and conferences and cooperation and consultation with faculties of agriculture and students especially on preparing their thesis in master and PhD Courses.
In fact this center is a research, training and consultant center which trice’s to help to the promotion of country agricultural potentials, increasing agricultural productivity and proceeding to agricultural development through strengthening agricultural knowledge, development of human resources, training skilled experts and technicians including private section, training key farmers and management and organization of agricultural capacity.
1- Ideals:
Promotion of agricultural potentials, increasing agricultural productivity and proceeding to constant agricultural development.
Development of human resources concerning to the country paddy fields, through transferring and fitting the techniques and expanding them in the country.
a) Obtaining and transferring techniques and new technical knowledge on paddy engineering land consolidation, agricultural machinery, mechanization, rice mechanization, water management, irrigation and drainage management, second crops and milling factory.
b) preparing the suitable way for transferring the above techniques in the country.
c) Research on fitting and developing the above techniques and standardization of them.
d) Matching (fitting) the transferred techniques with social, economical, ecological, soil and water conditions in the country by concerning test.
e) Research and development of organic farming, cultivation methods with low chemical fertilizers, preparation of organic compos, variety of cultivation and use of them in paddy fields.
f) Efforts for the sake of development of appropriate techniques by developing of agricultural human resources.
g) Development agricultural human resources including engineers and technicians of ministry of jihad-e agriculture, experts and authorities in private section, key farmers and the leaders of rural societies through holding training courses and establishing experimental and demonstrative pilots in the center and villages.
h) Preparation and presentation of developmental plans for the purpose of preparing and formulating the framework of development of techniques.
i) Giving professional councils to experts and authorities in governmental and private sections and farmers, and aid in organizing farmers and graduated of agriculture section.
j) Cooperation with universities and scientific and training institutes through exchanging knowledge, visits, execution of joint projects and holding meetings.
k) Cooperation with organizations and existing governmental and private structures for the sake of developing their activities.
l) Efforts on developing public information about the center’s activities.
m) Efforts on improving abilities and capacity of the center for doing well the duties and activities.
3- Aims:
This center is a research, training and consultant center which tries to reach following six strategic aims so that it can play an important and effective role in the paddy fields system in the country:
a) Improvement farmers’ life quality
b) Aid in constant development of agriculture
c) Aid in improving locl farmers’ economical condition
d) Development of knowledge in agriculture section.
e) Aid in developing the capacity of agricultural societies.
f) Development of organizational capacity for doing the duties.
4-Facilities and potentials:
4-1- Human Resources
The center has some educated and technical staff who are working on researches, experiment on different activities concerning to paddy fields system such as infrastructure till rice cultivation and milling, preparing text books and manuals, holding seminars and visiting tour requested by universities and institutes.
Most of these staffs have been trained for some months in Japan and are able to speak English and computer application.
4-2- Area and Buildings
- Fields: More than 50 ha
- Jungle: 12.39 ha
- Water pool: 1.2 ha, Capacity 36,000 m³
- Administration, services and establishments area: 5,961 m²
- Training buildings, laboratories, dormitories, and restaurant and auditory: 5,600 m²
4-3- Facilities and Equipment:
This center has many facilities, equipment machinery and etc. That the most important ones mentioned below.
- Equipped workshop for preparing nursery box: 800 m²
- Equipped agricultural machinery workshop: 544 m²
- Modernized rice-milling factory: 520 M²
- Agricultural machinery hanger: 549 M²
- Green houses (7 units): 802 M²
- Post harvest laboratory (the only laboratory in I.R.IRAN): 80 m²
Besides, there are some supportive system such as library, audiovisual section, copy center, stores, gas station, water sources, deep and shallow wells and:
- Machinery laboratories
- Agronomy laboratories
-Agricultural meteorology station: 250 m²
- Rice cultivation machinery
- Heavy machinery (15 units including mechanical shovel, bulldozer, grader and trencher)
- Audiovisual section
- Concrete laboratories
- Computer center
- Soil mechanic laboratories
- Library
Also, it has been already prepared some cut machines (Cut models) and expensive laboratory equipment for training purpose.
5- Technical groups
Sections and Technical groups
However, all facilities and activities in the center including and visiting tour are for the purpose of development of human resources, but the center has 4 technical sections and 9 research and training groups for technical purpose.
6- Pilots
The aim of establishment of pilots is demonstration of efficiency of the activities and making opportunity for farmers to get practical experiments and skills.
Technical groups are in charge of establishment of pilots.